Child’s College Expenses and Marital Debt in Divorce

When couples in divorce proceedings have disputes over who should get what, they aren’t always arguing over something they both want. There are often disputes over who will be stuck with the things that neither spouse wants to hold on to – their debts and responsibilities. One issue that comes up frequently in divorce cases is the responsibility to pay …

Length of Marriage and Alimony

The Connection Between Length of Marriage and Alimony

In Florida, there are many factors involved in determining alimony payments – including the length of the marriage. Despite what many people think, courts don’t simply look at the spouses’ finances when making this type of decision. The length of your marriage can have a substantial effect on both the size of the payments, and the duration of the payments …

Consequences of Not Paying Child Support

The Consequences of Not Paying Child Support

In Florida, there are many factors involved in determining alimony payments – including the length of the marriage. Despite what many people think, courts don’t simply look at the spouses’ finances when making this type of decision. The length of your marriage can have a substantial effect on both the size of the payments, and the duration of the payments …

Joint Custody of a Pet

Is It Possible to Have Joint Custody of a Pet?

Lots of people with pets will gladly tell you that they consider their pets to be members of their families. And as such, when couples with pets split up, it is increasingly common for them to seek shared custody of their pets – similar to custody arrangements for children. Some of these couples have learned, however, that even though they …

Divorce and Taxes – What You Need to Know

Make no mistake about it – divorce and taxes are two of the most unpleasant subjects out there. And if you are going through the process of a divorce, taxes are probably one of the last things you want to think about. But divorce can have major effect on your taxes – and the more you know about your tax …

Understanding Paternity in Florida

There are several different ways that a father in the state of Florida can establish his paternity – that is, to be legally recognized as the father of his child. In Florida, when a married woman gives birth, her husband will automatically be recognized as the father of the child. If a woman is married to one man when her …

How Do You Value a Business During Divorce?

Financial disclosure is a necessary part of the divorce process in the state of Florida. This can be a great deal more complicated than simply providing pay stubs, tax forms, and bank statements – particularly when you own a business. Calculating the value of your business can be a very confusing process, and you must provide the court with a …

Lifestyle Clauses in Prenuptial Agreements

When Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones were married in 2000, it was widely reported that they had signed a prenuptial contract that promised her a $5 million “straying fee” if he cheated on her. At the time, such a clause was seen as highly unusual. But since then, these kind of lifestyle clauses – which regulate the behavior of spouses …

Marriage Equality Update

Decisions in recent cases have resulted in same-sex marriage becoming legal in Florida since January 6, 2015.  These decisions have determined that the state’s ban on same-sex marriages is unconstitutional and therefore not valid.  Currently Florida is the 36th state in the union to allow same-sex marriages. Marriage Equality History Florida banned same-sex marriage in 1977, and in 1997 the …

Taking The Leap

In a recent article we talked about the fact that January is a very popular month for people to file for divorce, for a number of reasons.  In this article we are going to talk about what to do if you have decided that your marriage has gotten to the point where the only answer is divorce. This is never …