Who Gets The House After The Divorce?
In the dissolution of a marriage, Florida is an equitable distribution state. This means that all marital property will be split equally unless there is some reason not to do so. For many couples, their house is their largest asset. Assuming that your house was purchased during your marriage, and that the home is held jointly between the spouses, there …
Courtroom Etiquette – What Do I Say, Where Do I Say?
Your Day In Court The day of reckoning (for your marriage, anyway) is almost here. You are probably a little nervous about your court appearance. Your attorney should help prepare you for this appearance, but we offer a few tips here to try to calm the nerves. What to Wear? The biggest thing to understand about choosing what to wear …
How to Choose the Right Attorney for Your Case
There are lots of listings online and in the yellow pages (if anyone even uses those anymore!) for divorce attorneys. It can be daunting trying to figure out who will best represent your interests. How to choose the right attorney for your case is a complicated decision that requires clear thinking.Contemplating divorce can be emotionally trying, and all that information …
How is Child Support Calculated?
We’re often asked “how is child support calculated?” – There are a number of factors that go into answering this question. Here are some of the things we look at to determine this: Child Support vs. Timesharing Florida takes the issue of child support very seriously. Also keep in mind that child support and time-sharing are two separate matters. (In …
How Cohabitation Impacts Alimony Payments
Let’s assume for this discussion that you have settled your divorce, the kids are coping with the change in their lives. You have moved on from your divorce and have found a wonderful new partner in life. You are thinking about moving in with them and taking that relationship to the next level. You should be aware of the consequences …
When Does Child Support End?
What is child support? Child support is a parent’s legal obligation to provide for their children. It is the responsibility of both parents. The money actually belongs to the children and is to be used only for them, to provide food, clothing, shelter, medical care – the necessities of life. Child support payments cannot be waived. When faced with the …
Seeking a Divorce Settlement? Where to Begin
Where do I begin? Deciding to end your marriage is not easy decision to make. There are so many emotions involved, and it can seem completely confusing It may not be easy to think in a calm, rational manner during this time, but if you want the best result for your divorce, with the least amount of pain, it is …
Child Custody in Florida
Learn about how the courts handle child custody cases in Florida.
Keeping the P.E.A.C.E.
The trial court will follow the acronym of P.E.A.C.E. as a roadmap to resolve the case.