Picking the Right Partner

What is the secret to a successful marriage? Many people will say it is picking the right partner. Sure, you could marry the nicest, smartest, richest, or most beautiful person in the world, but if they do not complement you, then it is not going to work out. When choosing a potential partner, you need to empower yourself. Too many …

Toxic Communication That Can Ruin a Marriage

Words are hard. They say that communication is important for a marriage, but many couples fail in this department. It is safe to say that many people do not know how to communicate well. They may stay quiet and fail to express their feelings. Your spouse may ignore you when you share something important. They may use negative body language …

Six Stages of Marriage

Feel like nothing has been going right in your marriage lately? If so, you are not alone. Marriages ebb and flow. Sometimes, things are smooth. In other cases, the ride is bumpy. You may wish that your relationship was the same as it was when you first got married. You may wonder what happened and long for those days again. …

Signs Your Spouse Does Not Respect You

A relationship can only last if there are essential elements in place. One of them is respect. If your spouse does not respect you or you do not respect them, your marriage is not going to last. Mutual respect is crucial in a marriage. Without it, divorce will surely be on your mind. Respect can mean different things to different …

What to Do After Your Spouse Cheats on You

When you find out your spouse has been cheating on you, it can leave you blindsided. If you had no idea about the infidelity, you may feel traumatized. How could this have happened? You may feel as though your instincts have let you down. Why didn’t your gut warn you? Now, you may not be able to trust anyone. You …

How to Deal With Boredom in a Marriage

New relationships are exciting. Sparks are flying. You are having fun. You are experiencing a lot of firsts together. Even if you decide to get married, you still may be in that honeymoon phase for a while. But after a year or two, things settle in, and you are experiencing reality. That chemistry you and your partner had is pretty …

Signs You Need to Attend Couples Therapy

Marriage is tough. Many couples dream of getting married one day, but marriage is not all fun and games. It is a lot of work, and when spouses do not put in the effort or develop unhealthy behaviors, it can negatively impact the marriage. Effective communication is a great way to improve your marriage. By having daily discussions with your …

Dealing With Embarrassment About Divorce

Dealing With Embarrassment About Divorce

Dealing with an unhappy marriage is not an easy task. When your marriage is no longer working, you essentially have two options: stick with it and stay miserable forever, or get a divorce. Either way, it is going to be a stressful process. That is why many people choose to get a divorce so they can move on with their …

Dealing With Your Parents’ Divorce as an Adult

Dealing With Your Parents’ Divorce as an Adult

When parents struggle with marriage, they worry about their children. Splitting up could cause emotional damage to the children, so parents may vow to stick together until the children are grown. But does waiting until the children are over the age of 18 really make the divorce process easier? Adult children of divorce are saying no. People in their 20s, …

Why Parents Should Prioritize Their Marriage

Why Parents Should Prioritize Their Marriage

As the saying goes, first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage. But once kids come, the love and marriage a couple has often does not get prioritized. Parents end up so busy taking care of the children that their marriage takes a backseat. Parents tend to think that their children should always take …